To renew a membership, please check that the details are correct, choose the correct membership rate, fill in your payment details and you’re done!

Renew your Membership of the BBAC for another year

Please use this to renew your membership of the BBAC for another year, and pay by debit or credit card!

Total Amount
Renewing Member - Personal Details Name and Address
Please check that the information below is correct. If not, you should update it from the links from your dashboard, then return to this renewal form.
Pilot Level
Please confirm your pilot level remains unchanged! If it's "None" then you can rejoin at the "Non-pilot" rates, otherwise you need to rejoin at the "Pilot/PUT" rates.
Sharing Information Please review your "Data Sharing" option.
Select this option to have this member's address and phone number shown or withheld from the BBAC members' website and membership lists. If these details are hidden, other members will not be able to make contact with this member, and this member will not be able to see the details of others. Names of ALL current members are displayed on the website (but only to other current members, when logged in). Details will always be accessible to certain members of the club for administrative purposes (e.g. technical and training officers, membership secretary, web team etc). Please see our full GDPR policies here